The Male Lead's Adopted Daughter (남주의 입양딸이 되었습니다, 男主의 入養딸이 되었습니다, Namjuui ibyangttari doeeotseumnida) is a Romance, Fantasy, Comedy, Drama webnovel created and written by Latine.
"I will adopt a child."
Pelio Borreoti's impulsive decision flipped the entire duchy upside down.
He brought a child, who harbored the darkness just like him, from an orphanage.
Not only did he make her his daughter, he even gave her the name of a 'beast' that only the direct descendants of the family were allowed to succeed.
"We're earning money right now even as we're breathing."
"It's not arrogance, it's confidence."
"I do have a rather good-looking face."
Featuring the strongest, most awesome father in the world.
"I love muscles~! Puff puff muscles gather around~!
"Show me quadriceps!! Pectineal muscle is better!"
"If he is shy, then gentle shou or beautiful shou..."
A daughter with a corrupted(?) childhood innocence.
"I shall give you the information that you desire the most, Your Grace."
"The information I desire the most, you say..."
"You will not regret it."
And lastly, a stepmother(?) with a peculiar secret.Official Synopsis
- [Duke] Phileo Borreoti/Boleoti/Voreoti: Duke/Grace of the North
- Leonia Borreoti/Voreoti: Only/Adopted Daughter of Phileo Boleoti/Boleoti/Voreoti
- [Lady] Regina Borreoti/Boleoti/Voreoti: Presumed Dead, Phileo's older cousin and Leonia's biological mother
Nobles (imporatant to the story)[]
- [Count] Carnis Rinne: Phileo's only friend
Nobles (disposable)[]
- Rupert Rikos: Capital Mansion's Head Butler
- Cara: Northern Mansion's Head Butler
- [Dame] Levipath Meleis: Knight from the [Glasdigo Order of Knight], favord by Leonia
- Manuce: Knight from the [Glasdigo Order of Knight]
- Konnie: Maid in the Northern Mansion, Leonia's personal maid
- [Miss] Connie: Only one who cared for the children in the Orphanage
- Ardea
- Cerena Tedross
- Dean
- Flomus Kerata
- Gabel
- Levus Kerata
- Mono Keres
- Pelika
- Rand Pardus
- Tedross
- Tragella Kerata
- Varia Albaneu
- Voreoti
Media Franchise[]
External Links[]
- Read on YONDER (App-only, Chapter 1)
- Read on Kakaopage (Korean, Pay)
- Read on Ridi (Korean, Pay)
- Read on Tocsoda (Korean, Pay)
- Read on Joara (Korean, Pay)
- Read on Naver Series (Korean, Pay)
- Read on Onestory (Korean, Pay)
- Read on Mr. Blue (Korean, Pay)
- 主人公の養女になりました at Piccoma (Japanese, IP block)
- The Male Lead's Adopted Daughter at Anime-Planet
- I Became the Male Lead’s Adopted Daughter at Novel Updates
- The Male Lead's Adopted Daughter at Aenimanhwa Wiki
- The Male Lead's Adopted Daughter at YONDER: Fiction & Books Wiki
- 남주의 입양딸이 되었습니다 at Namuwiki (Korean)
- I Became the Adopted Daughter of Male Lead at Namuwiki (English machine translation)